Tuesday, June 12, 2012

There is massage therapy here, but it's not common, and can only be found in Yerevan. The hospitals outside of Yerevan are not usually very nice. Dark, unhappy places. They don't usually provide meals or blankets or towels for the patients. The families have to bring whatever is necessary for the patient's comfort. Very strange. For any major surgeries, people usually go into Yerevan. There are a lot of natural, home remedies, but I don't know much about them. Some probably work, like using certain herbs for wounds, or making teas for headaches. Others definitely don't work, like tying a scarf around your stomach to keep it warm when you have a stomach ache. There are many superstitions, like if you sit on a cold stone, or on concrete steps, you will become infertile. And they are usually very worried about getting cold, so a lot of times, they don't open windows, even on hot crowded marshutnis. If you are sick in any way, they always assume it's because you "got cold."