Saturday, June 16, 2012

Clothes sometimes were hung several stories up.  One day, Margie asked, what
is that lady doing?   It looked like she was pulling a rope up to her (on the top
floor).  So we watched.  She had dropped a piece of laundry, and
called down to the lady on the ground floor to pin it on her rope so she could
pull it up to her.  No elevators, so it saved going down stairs and returning.

We met this grandma and kids bring the cow home in the evening.
Vardenis was very dusty, and didn't have many trees.

We went to this store to buy some tape for my art class.  The man wanted american
money.  It cost two dollars, and this is what he did with them.  He folded them just so they would
show and he was proud of the dollars. (right below the red pkgs. on top)

We visited the Vardenis outdoor market, and what a colorful sight.  Here
this man is buying a live chicken from the wire cage.

Another view of the outdoor market

The flower seller at the market.