Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Message from Pete

years ago in atlantic mine church i had several grand children with me. while i was trying to preach and the kids were on the balcony steps carrying on something fierce, making all kinds of racket, laughing and giggling i wondered why the people sitting close to them didn't hush them up. but no, and the noise became worse and worse. so finally i couldn't take it any longer and left the pulpit and as i was stepping down the few steps to the main floor i tripped and went down hard right on my belly. (when i trip i can't stop myself cuz of having had polio which wiped out my trunk muscles). even then after all that commotion the kids still didn't notice and quieten themselves. so i continued on to the balcony stairs and give them the what-for and then back to the business of trying to wind down service. i think the kids in question still remember who the were. but those were fun times.